Intermobility Community

In 1970, a recent graduate in economics and commerce, she was recruited by ENI, where she progressed through all the career steps until reaching, in just a few years, top management positions, with the positions of Administrative Director and Secretary General of the company.

Since 1993, he has held top managerial positions in ENI's leading subsidiaries.

As Chief Executive Officer (1993 - 1999) of ENIRISORSE Spa, the parent company of the metallurgical and coal mining sector, he carried out the industrial and corporate reorganisation and privatisation of more than 150 companies, plants and business units, safeguarding more than 15,000 jobs.

From 1999 to 2009, as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SOFID Spa, a financial intermediation company, supervised by the Bank of Italy, he created and developed the "captive" service centre for the integrated management of financial and administrative services for Eni and its companies, and designed and implemented services for the dematerialisation of the Group's administrative and accounting documents.

In the same years he is Chairman of ENI International BV (Amsterdam) holding company, in charge of administrative coordination and governance of ENI's foreign companies.

Since 2014 he has been Deputy Vice President of the Automobile Club d'Italia, President of Automobile Club Roma, President of the Filippo Caracciolo Foundation, the study and research centre on mobility of the ACI Federation, Vice President of Sara Vita Spa, Board Member of SIAS Spa, the company that manages the Monza racetrack.

He is a member of the General Council of Aspen Institute Italia.

She has held positions as Director or Statutory Auditor in major ENI companies; she has been Chairman of Boards of Statutory Auditors and Supervisory Bodies of relevant companies of the Telecom Group.

She has acted as a consultant in legal, corporate and organisational matters.

She has been a member of CONSOB competition commissions.